Fantasy Dare

Fantasy Dare is my own personal Ludum Dare challenge, customized to fit around my oddball working schedule while still leaving my weekends open for other projects. Its purpose is to help me practice the skills required to create games quickly and efficiently, from the opening brainstorming session to the final upload. It's basically a preparatory exercise for short term competitions and events.

The rules will be mostly borrowed from the Ludum Dare, with a few important changes. The total development time frame is still forty eight hours; however, these hours are not contiguous and may be broken up throughout the work week. I'll aim to finish each project in under seven days. This is necessary to give me the flexibility I need to complete such a project. The theme for each event will be chosen at random from a list made of the top fifteen Ludum Dare candidates, adjusted to exclude duplicate entries and those topics that were actually chosen. I also don't feel compelled to submit the source for any project during the course of the Fantasy Dare, though I do hope to share the resulting games that I manage to finish.

I plan to do roughly one Fantasy Dare project per month. There is no set schedule, really. I'll be choosing whichever week seems most convenient, providing that at least two weeks pass between events.